Get your data out at any time
Data can be exported in CSV, Excel, XML and PDF formats. You can produce reports on all or some of your records. You retain ownership of all information that you upload.
WordPress plugins
Our WordPress plugins and widgets allow you to embed your eHive content on your own website. You can build a customised website using WordPress and then use our plugins to display your object records. You can include tag clouds of the most popular tags and choose to enable commenting on your records.
Build upon eHive
eHive’s API (Application Programming Interface) lets you share your data with other websites, create your own website, build smartphone apps and even develop custom applications. Click here for more information.
Share your data
You can use eHive to share your content with cultural heritage websites like Trove and DigitalNZ. They collect and share multiple collections allowing easy searching for the user and greater exposure for you.
For more information see our developers.ehive.com website.