Join over 900 Partner Institutions from around Australia
Trove brings together amazing collections from Australian libraries, universities, museums, galleries, and archives. It’s free and available online all day, every day. It is a collaboration between the National Library of Australia and hundreds of Partner organisations around Australia.
Thanks to Commonwealth government funding, Trove Collaborative Services is offering a free trial to Australian galleries, archives, museums, and historical societies that would like to reach this vast audience and benefit from seeing their collection in a national context.
33 collections on eHive contribute their data to Trove
Setting up your eHive account to contribute to Trove is an easy process. Contact us at eHive and we can outline the steps.
The Trove community shares a common goal – to build a rich and diverse digital cultural collection for all Australians.
Trove is visited by users over 50,000 times a day. Over 900 Partner Institutions from around Australia contribute their collections to Trove, making it the best place for cultural organisations to share their stories, connect with their audiences and grow together.
If eHive members sign up for a trial with Trove before 1 June 2022, they will not have to pay the joining fees.
You can discontinue with your Trove service partnership at any point.
To make the most of the trial they suggest organisations join early. Organisations that sign up for the trial will be able to experience many benefits, including automated ‘direct to Trove’ data loading and insights into how your collection is being used.
The big question is, do you want to reach this vast audience and benefit from seeing your collection in a national context.
By enabling Trove to capture data and information about the items you hold, you can reach new audiences and contribute to the Australian digital cultural heritage collection.
Here is a link to sign up and find out more about this offer to join Trove without sign up fees.