If you believe that a work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement please contact the Account Holder responsible for creating the record. The Account Holder’s details can be found by clicking the ‘From’ link at the top of the record. This will take you to the Account Holder’s profile page which should list an email address or phone number through which they can be contacted. Please note that you will need to be either the copyright holder of the disputed content, or authorised to act on the copyright holder’s behalf. You will need to include this information when you contact them:
- A description of the copyrighted content that you claim is being infringed.
- A description of where the content is in eHive.
- A statement confirming that you are the copyright holder or authorised to act on behalf of the copyright holder.
- Your name, phone number and email address for further contact.
If you are not successful in contacting the Account Holder, then you can pass the same information through to us at copyright@ehive.com.
We will provide these contact details, with your permission, to the Account Holder of the disputed content. By providing us with your contact details you are giving us permission to pass them to the account holder so the matter can be resolved.
We will inform the Account Holder that they are to contact you directly within 10 working days to work towards a resolution.
If the Account Holder fails to contact you directly within 10 working days, please email us stating that you have received no contact and we will remove the disputed content from public areas of eHive until the matter is resolved.