Get your data out of eHive at any time
You can export all (or a subset) of your data at any time using eHive’s reporting function. Data can be exported in CSV, XLS, XML or PDF formats.
Retain ownership of your data
You are the owner of all information (text and files) that you upload to eHive. We will not give away or sell your content.
Maintain your privacy
We understand how important it is to ensure your privacy. On eHive, you have complete control over which information you share with the public, and what records you publish. We will not disclose any confidential information.
eHive does not store credit card information or personal information.
Keep your information secure
The security of your account and your data is essential. eHive has various methods in place to ensure that security is not compromised.
Sign In passwords have a minimum length and must include letters and numbers. This means that simple passwords that could be easily determined cannot be used. Passwords are stored in an encrypted format that is not visible even with direct access to the database.
All pages are accessed using encrypted webpages (HTTPS) so that access to private images is secured in the same way as online banking systems. eHive servers are secured so that only standard web access is allowed. This prevents external access to other software and commands on the server.
Protect your data from disasters
All data is is stored on multiple hard disks to allow eHive to continue running in case of a hardware failure.
The data centres which eHive use (Amazon Web Services – Virgina, USA availability zone) have redundant power systems, generator back up, redundant air conditioning and multiple independent connections to the Internet.
Data is backed up to a different city (Auckland, New Zealand) to preserve data during an extreme event, such as a fire at the data centre.
The entire content (text and media files) is backed up daily, weekly and monthly.
Access the software code even if we cease trading
Vernon Systems has a source code escrow agreement in place. The source code of the eHive software is held by an independent agent. The source code will be released by the agent to the eHive community if Vernon Systems is no longer trading.