Welcome to THE BUZZ where we highlight new features and news from the eHive community.
eHive adds Cultural Permissions

We have introduced the ability to assign cultural permissions levels to objects in your collection. Cultural permissions allow you to provide further knowledge about an object to inform users of your collections about any cultural significances they may have. It’s a great way to provide appropriate care and protection for taonga you are caring for, as well as a tool to avoid inappropriate use of traditional knowledge.
You can find out more about how to work with cultural permissions for your collections through our new help article
eHive Product Releases

The facilities options on your public profile page allow you to record and display them to the public. We have extended the list of options available to you including options for educational programs, EV charging, free Wi-Fi and more.
We renamed ‘Copyright’ to ‘Rights’ and added the option to assign ‘No Rights Reserved’ to an object. This makes it a Creative Commons CC0 licensed object and available to be shared freely.
eHive ID log in option soon to be retired

In 2019 we introduced the option to log into eHive using an email address and password. Almost all eHive users now use this method, so we’ll be retiring the old ‘eHive ID login’ option on the log in page in October. If you’re still using an eHive ID, not an email address, to log in at present then you’ll see a warning when you log in, along with options for switching to log in with an email address from now on. You’ll need to switch to the email-based login as soon as you can.
Feature Collection: Te Hikoi

The Museum covers the history of the Western district of Southland encompassing Riverton and its environ. Includes all aspects of colonial life starting with Maori and the whalers, through to the development of the town to the 1930’s, spanning over 100 years. Also on display are military items and natural history collections. Part of the museum is housed in the historic courthouse.

Object of Interest:
Framed painting, Saint Mary’s Anglican Church, Riverton
About this object
A framed painting of old Saint Mary’s Church, Riverton. This church served the local Anglican community from 1869 until the current church was built in 1902.
Place Made
Oceania, New Zealand, South Island, Southland, Riverton-Aparima